Happy International Cat Day!

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Today seems a really good day to share the fantastic journey 2 of our visitors have been on.

Some arrive confident and bold.  Others, for a variety of reasons, arrive for the first time worried and nervous.  Reassurance, love & time will generally win most around, but some need specific things to help them to feel comfortable, and it can be difficult & take time to work out what those things are – if only they could talk, life would be so much easier.

Jasper used to growl if touched, he wouldn’t eat much or move around.  Freddy would eat a little but similarly would be grumpy and not really interact with people.

2 years on, Freddy & Jasper eat well, they ask for their breakfast, lunch and dinner!  They both make full use of the space within the pen and purrrrs are a regular feature!

Wishing you all a very happy International Cat Day.  Give them all a cuddle from us. Xxx

Wisteria Boarding Cattery
Gersau, Windmill Road, Bradfield, Manningtree,
Essex CO11 2QR
Email: wisteriacattery@gmail.com
Tel: 07864 974782  / 01206 392792
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­Wisteria Boarding Cattery LLP,
Registered in England & Wales
Partnership No: OC424614
Licenced by Tendring District Council
Licence No: 24/00143/LIABE
© 2025 Wisteria Boarding Cattery LLP

Site by Gary Reeve Design
­Wisteria Boarding Cattery LLP,
Registered in England & Wales
Partnership No: OC424614
Licenced by Tendring District Council:
Licence No: 24/00143/LIABE
© 2025 Wisteria Boarding Cattery LLP

Site by Gary Reeve Design